1.3mm Thickness Smooth/Textured Perforated HDPE Geocell for Soil Stabilization

Min.Order: 1,000
Product origin: Tai'an, Shandong, China
Infringement complaint: complaintComplaint
US$ 1.5 ~ 3

Geocells are three-dimensional honeycomb structures made from polymeric strips, filled with granular materials such as sand, recycled asphalt, or local soils. This cellular confinement system prevents the movement of infill and distributes loads over a wide area, enhancing the strength and stiffness of pavement layers. Geocells are an ideal solution for soil stabilization and ground reinforcement across various industries.

Geocells find applications in numerous industries, addressing a wide range of issues. They are particularly effective in constructing roads over soft materials or sand, providing a cost-effective and durable solution. The panels are collapsible, making transportation to the site efficient and economical.

Technical parameters of geocells include various grades, panel sizes, cell diameters, and depths. The material used is non-woven polypropylene, with a wall permeability of 20 Li/m²s and chemical joint bonds. Multiple fill material options are available, including concrete, topsoil, sand, or aggregate, and existing onsite material can sometimes be used to fill the panels.

Benefits and features of geocells include their versatility in fill material options, cost-effectiveness in transportation, and suitability for constructing roads over soft materials. They are an excellent choice for soil stabilization and ground reinforcement projects.

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