Chinese Herbal Medicine for Tinea and Psoriasis Xuan Yao Gao

Min.Order: 20,000
Product origin: Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
Infringement complaint: complaintComplaint
US$ 0.95 ~ 1.5


fast effectiveness Chinese herbal Psoriasis cream 

Please read the instruction carefully and use under the advice of doctor

Drug Name Psoriasis Ointment

Composition sulfur grundum,azedarach,radix lithospermi,peach kernel, camphor, borneol

Description Purplish red soft ointment with fragrance.

Indications For treating terrible psoriasis, dry and wet scabies, and coinform tinea.
It can also stop itching caused by ringworm, heal suppuration caused by scratching, and dispel exfoliation caused by psoriasis.
It promotes blood circulation, removes toxin, kills parasites and stop itching.

Dosage and Administration Clean the affected parts with warm water, then applied the ointment on affected parts.

Storage Sealed, keep away from sunlight.

Specification 6g,15g/box

Shelf life 24 months


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